Thursday, September 19, 2013


Innebandy!  Yes that's right I joined another sport; Innebandy (also known as Floorball).  The sport was first created in Sweden and all Swede's claim they are the best at it.  Essentially it is a combination of ice hockey and field hockey played indoors on a "court" or "rink" or something.  There are 5 field players and one goalie.  Each player (except for the goalie) has a stick which looks like a hockey stick but isn't wood and is not solid while the goalie just uses her body to stop the ball.  The ball is what we consider a whiffle ball, plastic hollow with holes in it.
I went to the practice with one of my friends who lives in Sunnersta and is on the team.  She is the youngest on the team and the others are I think in their 20's.  They just threw me right into the drills and scrimmage which was terrifying, exhilarating, exhausting, fantastic and sooo much fun.  I had no idea what I was doing or what was going on and I'm pretty sure a chicken with it's head cut off would look a little bit more sane than I looked, but I had fun!  And that's all that matters.  I look forward to the next practice on Tuesday and hopefully the headless chicken will not be understanding more than me! :)


  1. If the "field" player's sticks are not wood and not solid, what are they made out of? And another claim to fame for you - America's best Innebandy player! Have fun...
