Monday, December 30, 2013

All-around haircuts!

You know your host family trusts you when....

  • They give you a rasor, pairs of scissors, and a comb
  • Ask you to cut your host dad's hair wihtout asking for prerequisites
  • Then ask you to cut your host brother's hair
  • AND then your host brother's college friend asks you to trim up his beard
I should be charging for this buisness :)

First up was Stefan (host dad) 

 couple baldspots but he can wear a hat for a while till it grows back :)
 Just kidding!  He survived, no blood shed

Next was Axel's college friend.

 He didn't let us go too crazy so it is hard to tell that we did anything but we did!
 And finally was Axel (host brother) who we clipped the most.

 Pretty good! huh?

And then for jag...I decided (although I did an amazing job with the boys) cutting my own hair would not go so well and plus I wanted to be able to say that I got my hair cut in Sweden. Why? I do not know...but how many of you can say that?  Not so many huh?
When the woman sat me down in the chair I told her I don't speak very much swedish and she frantically looked around the salong for someone else to deal with me but could find no one.  We managed to communicate through pointing at my hair and showing eachother what we were thinking on my head.  It actually worked out very well and I am very pleased with how it turned out!

Pardon me for taking selfies :)


  1. I like the shorter cut! Very cute!

  2. I am also VERY IMPRESSED by your abilities and new found talents, and their open trust!! :)) Looked like fun too!
